Wednesday 19 October 2016


1) Find a POSITIVE (conventional) representation of young people and write a paragraph explaining why it is positive. 
one positive thing is that they warned where everything was happening on the news so adults ,children and family  could keep safe and out of danger . It shows the police and the governments views and it helps them on how they can improve because one of the late teens called Danial said "they make things harder for us like getting a job." He means its harder for curtain groups in society to get jobs. This is positive because the government can improve on this.

2) Find a NEGATIVE (conventional) representation of young people and write a paragraph explaining why it is negative.
The police was treating the young people like criminals even though some of them were innocent, At the end the lady called jade and brother (who kept getting checked by the police ) felt hassled,bullied,This is negative as not all teenagers or children go around wanting to cause damage and what the police are trying to say is all kids who are in groups or dressed in a curtain way are the ones that are causing the damage and that's not true because some kids don't choose to do that type of stuff.

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