Saturday, 24 September 2016

1) Which do you think worked most successfully as a design? Why? I liked fruit bowl number one more because of the bright colours .
2) Show your fruit bowls to the person next to you and get a WWW and an EBI feedback point from them. Write this on your blog with their name. 
3) What have you learned about Photoshop? Write out the instructions for another student who has not used Photoshop before. This will help you to revise the skills you have learned. Photoshop is a bit like paint because the colours will always be on the side it has the paint bucket but it allows you to copy and paste pictures from the internet and when you do that you can get some of the colours from that picture using the eyedropper you can even mix colours together using the brush
4) Pick 5 colours and google the CONNOTATIONS of these colours. Add this information to your blog. Image result for dark redAssociated with danger

 Image result for dark purplethe colour purple is often associated with power and wealth
Image result for connotation of the colour blueThis is usually associated with calmness.
Image result for connotation of the colour orangethis colour is quite a worm colour as it's near to the colour red

Image result for brown
this colour is quite a neutral colour and associated with winter
5) If you finish all of the above, make a mood board for your theme. Does it match your fruit bowl? How can you tell? This matches my horror fruit bowl because all these colours are quite dull.

Sunday, 18 September 2016

 .Image result for diary of a wimpy kid movie

.The colours used for this are red and blue . This connotes that the film must be for boys and especially teenage boy . 
.The tittle looks drawn by a kid this suggests that the target audience they are aiming for are kids . .The main character on the movie poster is a kid ,I can tell this as the boy wearing a rock sack . The paper in the back gives a scruffy feel therefor ,the boy is not dressed smartly.
.I  can tell this is about a diary as as the back ground is like a note book also like a note book the tittle is in a bold font "wimpy kid" this tells us the boy in the central image is weak as wimpy means weak.The cartoon drawing looks very weak and upset as the backs sort of hunched .
he is white middle class school boy so this will attract white middle class school boys.

Tuesday, 13 September 2016

My first GCSEmedia hw

1) Which part of the course are you looking forward to most? Doing the music video .

2) What knowledge and skills do you hope to learn in Media? I am looking forward to learning all the effects for the movie posters. 
3) What grade are you realistically hoping to achieve in Media?Realistically my target is to get a B ,
4) What was the last TV programme or film you watched?  The last movie i watched was honey I shrank the kids .It was amazing how they made the kids to look so small because they were smaller than the ants .
5) Why do you think that  film appealed to an audience? it appealed to the audience as the kids were the same size as ants and its rare you see a film based on tiny kids .

6) What technology have you used to access the media in the last 24 hours? (Radio, TV, phone etc.) My laptop.

7) What device do you use most to access the media? The TV as it has lots of films and TV programmes  .

8) Watch this clip from acclaimed BBC drama series Sherlock: 
9) What do we learn about the characters from this brief clip? I learn that Sherlock seems like quite a bossy person as his coleage invited him out for cofee but instead he ordered her to get him some coffee
and the to men in the beginning new eachother from the past.10) What aspects of this show do you think an audience might enjoy? List at least three things and explain why the audience would enjoy each aspect._ of how Sherlock seems so mysterious in his big black coat,
_they will enjoiy Learning how Sherlock new all that stuff about that man at the end like how he was an afganistan.
_the audians might like how Sherlock's coleag only put lipstick on because of him .